A math circle is a group of people who work together to explore new mathematics. Sessions are informal, fun, and consist of students and leaders working together on a series of problems. Our math circle will be focused on the interests of girls in grades 6-8. We are part of the National Association of Math Circles (http://www.mathcircles.org/ ).
Who should come to the Tulsa Girls’ Math Circle?
Any intellectually curious and highly capable girl who is in grade 6 or above from any school in the Tulsa area. Students should have an interest in mathematics and willingness to learn new ideas. The sessions are informal and interactive and include problems to help develop the ideas needed to attack new topics.
What are some things that we will do at our math circle?
- Work with fellow students
- Look for interesting patterns, make conjectures (guesses), and try to determine when they are true
- Learn how to make sense of an unfamiliar problem
What are some things we will not do at our math circle?
- Lecture
- Work on homework, study for school classes, or receive tutoring
- We will not make assignments that must be done outside of our meetings. We will give optional reading or problem sets for interested students
Who will conduct the math circle sessions?
Presenters will be drawn from University of Tulsa faculty and area educators interested in problem solving. Graduate and undergraduate students from the University of Tulsa will also be presenters and mentors.
How will coming to a math circle help a student?
The rewards from attending the math circle include: the thrill of solving difficult problems, friendships with students and professional mathematicians from across the area who share an enthusiasm for problem solving, development of problem solving skills which will carry over to learning new material for a lifetime.
What is the cost of attending the Tulsa Girls’ Math Circle?
It is free to all students. The Tulsa Girls’ Math Circle is an outreach program of the Department of Mathematics and the College of Engineering and Natural Sciences at the University of Tulsa.
How do I get started?
You can join the math circle by submitting the Applications/Forms page.
For any information, contact Professor Kimberly Adams via email at kimberly-adams@utulsa.edu or via telephone: 918-631-3676.